About the Author: James P. Quinn
James P. Quinn, author of Tech Trends 24/7, and Executive Managing Director at JLL, Fortune 500 Company, is considered the leading Technology Real Estate Advisor globally, being at forefront of Technology and Real Estate throughout his 20+ year career. Based in New York, James leads a group of Technology/ Real Estate professionals that provide advisory services to Fortune 500 Companies and leading technology firms. James has completed in excess of 35 million sq. ft. of global real estate projects. He has been very passionate throughout his career on the impact of technology in the business and real world.
Tech Trends 24/7 and the Impact of Covid-19 is a game-changing book. During this decade, we will experience the greatest change in technology innovation in history driven by massive technology disruption that has been accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. These technology forces will have a riveting effect on our everyday personal and business lives. Tech Trends 24/7 provides a captivating fast-paced tour on how technology innovation is enhancing our world. While writing this book, James was inspired to start Beacon of Hope 365, a charity that’s mission is to leverage technology to help people in need.

Tech Trends 24/7




CIO Insight added “Tech Trends 24/7 and the Impact of Covid-19” to their Recommended “Books for CIOs” List
“Timely, informative, exceptionally well written, organized and presented, “Tech Trends 24/7 and the Impact of Covid-19″ is an extraordinary read that is as informed and informative as it is thoughtful and thought-provoking” – Jack Mason, Reviewer for Midwest Book Review
“This a well written, deeply researched and timely topic from an industry veteran. The author covers many tech topics and how our future post covid will be shaped using technology in different ways.” – Jennifer, Amazon Review

Tech Trends 24/7
explores the impact of Covid-19 for the following important areas:
Tech Trends 24/7 also covers and celebrates amazing innovations and contributors such
as Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Will.I.Am, Jim Cramer, etc. Tech Trends 24/7 also has a chapter
that provides an overview of Technology for career opportunities
- Office of the Future
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Digital Twin
- Music
- Gaming
- Technology for Cars
- Smart Cities
- AI
- 5G
- Fashion
- Wellness and Health
- Sports
- Sustainability for Cities
- The Future of the Home
- Corporate Technology
- Technology for Helping
- People with Disabilities
- TaaS
Tech Trends 24/7
“James Quinn is right at the intersection of next generation tech, real estate, and specifically the spaces we work and live in, as well as the spaces where our data passes through, and the atoms that make the products we consume are processed. His strategic perspective combined with his ability to dive down into the weeds through his case studies and interviews are super insightful and help anyone in any sector get up to speed with what’s coming next” – Denitza K, Amazon Review
“This a well written, deeply researched and timely topic from an industry veteran. The author covers many tech topics and how our future post covid will be shaped using technology in different ways. As an entrepreneur that consults with different businesses and municipalities, I found this book helpful and have recommending this as a must read for many of my clients. As informative as the book is my favorite part is the author’s own experience as he was researching and writing the book he felt called to start a not-for-profit, Beacon of Hope, to use technology to help people with disabilities. I made sure that Beacon of Hope was on my end of year donation list. The charity has already worked with a company that 3-D prints prosthetics for kids. The video of the adorable recipient is amazing. Thank you for writing this book and following your pull to help others.” – Jennifer S, Amazon Review
Tech Trends 24/7 Leaders
Tech Trends 24/7 Leaders
Tech Trends 24/7 Leaders is a podcast hosted by James P. Quinn on technology innovation that provides insightful interviews with key innovators in areas of Corporate Technology, Office of the Future, AI, Real Estate, Sustainability, Assistive Technologies, and other Emerging Technologies. Tech Trends 24/7 Leaders will smartly position you where your business, life, and industries are moving for the future.